A New Jet Set Era: Why More and More People are Flying Private


Poolside Gossip. An iconic Slim Aarons shot depicting the original ‘jet set’ lifestyle. Copyright: Slim Aarons

The term ‘jet set’ grew in popularity in the late 50s, describing the glamour and glitz of the high society circles of socialites and celebrities, who spent their time travelling by jet between the worlds’ most exclusive destinations, from Marbella to Monte Carlo. They were often photographed by paparazzi and famous photographers as living an endless summer, and drew the fascination of the general public, who were unlikely to have travelled abroad more than once. They were in many ways, the original influencers. 

The 1970s brought the beginnings of the end of the jet-set era, with planes becoming bigger and cheaper, and ‘tourism’ as we know it today booming into reality. As iconic jet-set photographer Slim Aarons lamented, “the formerly fashionable places are besieged with hordes of tourists; that exclusive, immensely wealthy way of life for a select few, which I was lucky enough to have seen and photographed, is fast disappearing.” 

Even so, the world of private aviation was long reserved for the rich and famous; an exclusive offering to the most elite members of society. Yet, in 2021 more private and business jets flew than ever before in a single year; a surprising figure given that the world was in the midst of a pandemic. Moreover, statistics show that more and more passengers who are now flying private have never previously done so. A new generation of ‘jet set’ is taking flight. 

So, what’s driving the shift? 

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, people are looking to take control of their travel plans and seeking flexibility in case of last minute changes. More and more people are also looking to avoid the chaos of airports and the hassle of security, baggage and finding the right gate. When flying private, most customers are driven in comfort directly to the tarmac, avoiding the stress of a commercial airport terminal. For those still harbouring concerns about hygiene and safety, the benefits of flying private are undeniable, with far less exposure to other passengers. 

However, undoubtedly the biggest draw is that flying private is more accessible and more affordable than ever before. Companies, such as Jet Marbella are taking advantage of a gap in the market, and utilising empty legs available on chartered flights to provide affordable tickets to dozens of destinations around the world, for a fraction of the price one would expect. 

The interior design of Bombardier’s new Global 8000 private jet. Credit: Bombardier.

In an age where anyone can be an influencer, set yourself apart from the masses by joining the new jet-set. Get in touch with Jet Marbella today to book your seat on a private jet for the most competitive rates. 

Contact the team at Jet Marbella on +34 951 12 71 31 or drop us a DM on Instagram @jetmarbella_


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